my friend matthew <$BlogRSDUrl$>

my friend matthew

theme: once upon a time i was young and confused

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Matthew and I buzzed eachother's head today. I've never had my hair this short. It feels crazy. Kaitlyn REALLY didn't want me to cut it because she though I would look like I was balding. I don't. She likes it more than the curly hair. I feel like I'm in Project Mayhem "Just like a monkey, ready to be shot off into space!" IN TYLER WE TRUST

Monday, March 29, 2004

I'm so cutting that fuzz off my dome.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my life.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

This pic isn't so old but how freakin' cute is it!?!?

I took my door off my closet today. Today was awesome. I'm a new person, nothing's holding me back anymore. I have nothing to worry about. But I really did take my door off my closet and I hung out with Kaitlyn. I feel like I'm becoming a better person everyday and I have God to thank for that. Pray about your trespasses, it might sting when they hit the surface but it feels good when it's all over. Amen.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

I dub this "Blast From the Past Week"
(check out my banana on my left ankle... remember that?)

Today was awesome. Or should I say yesterday? We went to the PowderPuff game and the Jrs beat the Senioritas. It was awesome. Carl got flipped on the field like a ragdoll then she got right back up to kick some more butt. Then we went to KG's aunt's house and met two of her aunts. We were formally introduced to this girl Aubrey that I've seen around school quite a few times. They're like 2nd or 3rd cousins. What a small world. It was a perfect night. I'm free to do any handy work around anyone's houses tomorrow if needed. I hope I get to do the Brown's old playhouse tomorrow with Matthew. I think we get to use sledgehammers. Wooohoooo!

Friday, March 26, 2004

I'm back and I'm black and I'm back y'all! Not really, I'm brown. Our trip was fun. We just went around and scared people in Disneyland. We would be walking then right as you pass an oncoming person you act as though someone threw a football and kinda duck as if it's going to hit you in the head. You look up over the person's head and act like it's coming right for you and then duck as fast as you can and cover your head and yell something like "Ummph!" It only worked really well like 1 out of every 15 times but when you got a good reaction, it was sooooo funny! That's pretty much all we did today. It was fun, this whole trip was like boys' nights out. We had boxing matches we made up accapella songs (sp?) we talked about religion and compared our hairy bodies. Justin Power's Birthday was yesterday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU JUSTIN!!!!
Most of all I missed my girlfriend. I can't wait to see you Kaitlyn! Goodnight everyone, it's late.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Today's the GAY day. I can just imagine what people are gonna say. Wow! Maybe we can meet some other gay dudes. That would be fun. Then we could lead them on and tell them that we're having a big gay party back at our hotel and then give them a wrong address and they'll get their hopes up for some gay lovin' and when they get there they'll be all "darn those sill boys from Visalia, darn them!"

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Well I'm in LA and probably getting ready to go sing. We're also probably planning on eating somewhere goofy like BurgerKing or something. Then we'll come back and torture the town that we're in. Probably get arrested for climbing up some street lamp. We all brought really gay/tight pants so we can walk around Disneyland holding hands. Hahah!!! YES!!! It will be fun.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Ok, so I won't be posting for like 3 days so be prepared. I'll make some future posts that will roll around at like 800 am everyday. Haha, that'll be cool.

I've kind of stolen my dad's old laptop. I'd really like something from alienware, possibly like this:

Just something portable. I've been carrying my typewriter around with me and it's honestly come in handy. I had to type a page for civics one morning and I'd forgotten to do it at home so I sat in the car before the bell rang typing it out the oldfashioned way. I love my typewriter but a sick ol' portable would ROCK!!!

Monday, March 22, 2004

Geese, getting your braces off feels like losing 20 punds. I feel like a new and beautiful man. Now all I gotta do is get rid of this fro. Tomorrow we leave for the choir trip. Hyashi's crazy but I think with positive attitudes from the kids, we can make it fun. We're gonna get a bunch of the guys to bring really short shorts and gay stuff to wear so we can prance around like gay pride people. We're gonna have fun. I'll miss you Kaitlyn. Don't shave your legs yet, give it until I get back.

The weekend's over but oh was it fun. I didn't get to see Kaitlyn as much as I wanted to but just enough. She's still really sick. So much stuff happens this week. I get my braces off today and then I leave for LA with choir tomorrow. Then next week, I go to Mexico with church! What a crazy thing. I hope I can make it through all of this.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

I was done for the night. I went to the movies with Tay and Alex after visiting KG, then these dudes show up at my house. Blake, Aaron, Matt Sarr, and Matthew Lovik. It was fun, I was all ready for bed but then we got to talkin' and watching stupid stuff on TV and they just left. It's like 300, tonight was awesome! It's nice to see those guys out of school.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Sorry, commenting had to come down cuz I wasn't diggin' it. Just go comment to yourself, it's the same thing.

When your girlfriend's sick and you know you're not gonna see her, you know you don't gotta dress up. I was so compelled to not brush my teeth this morning but I gave in. Here's a little something I did in advanced art, it's my best piece yet.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

KG's sick, so sick. I probably won't see her for close to a week but with luck maybe this weekend, or at least before I leave on the choir trip. I think I'm sick too, like Mono status but I'm not so sure. I have the same symptoms my sis did and I'm real tired. Anyway, I miss you KG, feel better. Wash your hands everyone, that's the best defense against germs. Wash them every 10 min or so, that should do the trick. Personally, I wash them about every 5 min. Wink wink.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

There's a small group of people out there that I like to refer to as partiers. Partiers should stick to partying and stop trying to be something that they're not because they really suck at it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

My parents surprised me with a typewriter today. Just like I wanted. I got an old 1970's Brother. I also used GoldBond for the first time tonight after hear WONDERFUL things about it for who knows how long. Tyler and Matt made it sound like "heaven" and I must admit, it's pretty awesome. I had to finally try it after I heard little Chip mention it at tennis practice. They refer to it as "bonding" Well I honestly think I might do it every night before bed! It's awesome. COMMMENT PLEASE!!!

latest tune ::: David Bowie's "Heroes" - The Wallflowers

Kaitlyn, you rock. Thanks for letting me bug you this morning. Wow KG knows how to deal with me. She's better at parenting me than my parents. She's like the bootcamp that I've never been to but always needed! Haha! I'm funny/not. So anyway, I gotta ride my bike to tennis now, and afterward, I'll probably pass out. I think I'm sick guys. Like really sick, just don't tell my parents till sunday, I wanna have fun this weekend!

Monday, March 15, 2004

Braces come off Monday next week. I'm so excited. I've had them on for SO LONG!!! Tennis match today in Hanford. Woot!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

commenting has finally been enabled. please feel free to go crazy but post with maturity please.

I can't sleep. My mind's a swirl of crazy thoughts. It's like everythought I could have all at the same time. It's bugging me. I just want to chill out and go to sleep. I'm tired but my brain won't stop. I thought that if I got up and posted real quick, maybe it would relieve something that needs to be relieved in order to sleep. Welp, we'll see, and if it didn't work you'll see another post above this one.

Sadie's was rockin'! I never thought I could have that much fun at a dance. We went to sleep at like 2:30 last night and I woke up at 1:00 this afternoon. Wow am I tired. I think people liked our costumes but the pictures we took in the alleys before the dance were way awesome!

Thursday, March 11, 2004

A wise man once said,
"Hey Stupid, I brought you this stuff. Well actually it's a veggie-burger"

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I have my direction, I just need to move IN IT!

Monday, March 08, 2004

newest tune ::: "KG The Kid - And1 Soundtrack"

I have such bad gas right now, it could possibly beat Matthew's. (smell-wise)

This was an assignment that had to be completed for the mission trip to Mexico. I wrote it and turned it in yesterday. It's one of those things that they ask if you want to share it. I wasn't so sure but when they asked I realized that, yeah, I do want to share it:

Joshua’s Testimony
I’ve grown up in a family with many blessings. I’ve been able to travel all over and see so much. I’ve experienced a lot already given that I’m only 18. But what has been more amazing than all my travels and opportunities is my ongoing experience with God and how he is working in my life. I knew I was a Christian a long time ago. I knew Jesus was my savior in third grade. But I didn’t know what exactly he was going to save me from. The world is what he’s saved me from. He’s saved me from this evil world with sin all around and negative influence running wild.
We all want to have a good time and have fun. My idea of fun was drinking with my high school buddies and running around town in the middle of the night. We would talk about girls or whatever was interesting at the moment, and although I knew I wasn’t going to have sex before I was married, the thoughts I would dwell on were the wrong ones; Thoughts of earthly desires and temporary insignificant things. My mind wasn’t in the right place.
I didn’t realize things had changed until the change was complete. I didn’t want to drink anymore. I didn’t want to cuss and talk like I did with my pals. I didn’t want to be focusing on the things that were taking up most of my time. I wanted a real relationship with someone. A relationship that won’t depend on how cool you are or how cool you think your friend is. I started to focus on real things and I think I already knew Jesus but this was the time that I let him take hold of the reigns and go nuts.

He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.
--Psalm 40:2-3

God has taken me so far from where I was that there is no way I’d ever want to go back. If I heard this testimony from someone else back then, I’d brush it off like it didn’t matter. I would have ignored it and said, God doesn’t care that I drink and cuss, He only cares about what’s in your heart. Which is true, but how are you going to show people what’s in your heart if your actions are an exact negative of your true spiritual feelings.

Friday, March 05, 2004

What are you supposed to do when you're constantly criticized by someone close to you? Are you supposed to get mad? Are you supposed to be sad? Are you supposed to criticize them about criticizing you? I need an answer if I'm to be happy again.

So amazingly bored. I was waiting for KG to call, and she did. Now I'm waiting again. Rarely busy, always bummed.

Just waiting for a lot of things.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Today was Mommy's Birthday. Thanks KG and Carl for her birthday call, it was cute. I bought her Winged Migration. This awesome/sick documentary on birds. My hair is permed and I'll be taking a picture soon, but it's way too curly right now. Haha, I honestly feel like richard simmons. Good night too all and too all a good night.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

People tell me I don't care about them.
If they only knew how I really felt, they'd be sorry for ever bringing it up.
Bad day. Sorry to spread it around. I'm getting my hair permed tomorrow. I'll post a pic after it's done. That song's getting old too eh? Yeah, I'll change it, probably tomorrow. Goodnight.

Monday, March 01, 2004

So I've found a new interest. Orchids. They baffle me. There are over 20,000 known (natural) species and over 100,000 hybrid species made by humans. They cross pollinate them to make new flowers that no one has ever seen. The world has never dreamed of. I know it's God's creation but we just help it along. It's amazing to know that from 20,000 parent species we could make and infinite number of hybrids. Forever, you'd never stop making them. You could try forever and always find a new way to pollinate whatever hybrid you've come up with. Arg, it's crazy. How can botanists handle knowing that. They'll never know all of the possible species.

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