my friend matthew <$BlogRSDUrl$>

my friend matthew

theme: once upon a time i was young and confused

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I haven't felt this lonely in a long time.

It's funny to think that this is all I used to do... Sit here and post about my worries and frustrations and all about how lonely or bored I was. Well, I still get lonely, and I still get bored. This feeling sucks. My BingBong is far away and I don't know if we'll ever live in the same town again. My sign language class was canceled this evening and while everyone else was cheering as they walked out of the room, I was actually a little hurt.

The craziest lonely thing that happened today was when I went to Sport Chalet to buy some hiking shorts, I almost didn't go just because I didn't have anyone to go with me. That's how pathetic I can be sometimes. No... I take that back. ALL the time.

Anyway. Tomorrow I'm driving to Yosemite, ALONE, and HOPEFULLY, I can find Matthew and his famille. It would definitely suck if I couldn't find them. But if I don't, I think I'm going to hike Cloud's Rest (17.9 miles, ALONE!) anyway. Well shoot peeps. I know that nobody checks this site anymore. I guess I'm just complaining to no one but just let me think that one or two of you will eventually see this. That makes me feel a little better. Well, if I make it to the top, this is what it should look like:

Wish me luck! If you don't hear from me within a couple days, you can tell the authorities that my body's lying somewhere along Cloud's Rest trail. Haha. Night.

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