my friend matthew <$BlogRSDUrl$>

my friend matthew

theme: once upon a time i was young and confused

Monday, January 31, 2005

Snow was great today, and Doobie Brothers were awesome tonight. I'm so bent out of shape, literally. I biffed more today than I've ever crashed in one day of snowboarding. I landed flat on my back coming off a box, knocked the wind outta me. I crashed plenty out in the powder and once on the ice. We slashed that one dude that rides with no shirt on. I'll post a picture of him soon. Will wrote his name with his pee. I'll post that pic soon too. Aren't you excited to see them!?!? Have a wonderful night V-Town!!!

Friday, January 28, 2005

It's freakin' Friday!!! I've gotta work all day! It sucks.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

For the first time in a long time, I'm organized. Not completely at all but to the point that a huge amount of weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It makes me smile, how about you?

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Ok. I didn't come through. I went on a bike ride but no pictures were taken. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Today has gone so much better. I'm so excited about life right now. I just want to get up and go! I think I'm gonna go on a bike ride tonight. If I do, I'll take pictures of something weird and post them. You should probably stay up and check back around 1AM. Just to see the stupid things I saw on my adventure. Thanks to my true buddies for keeping my fire burning and checking up on me all the time. Big smiles y'all.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Sometimes, when problems arise, I don't know what to do. I forget that there's this great plan for each of us and whatever happens, God will do with me what he wants. I forget that all these petty things I worry about are insignificant compared to Him. I forget that all I need sometimes is a little prayer and to put my hands in His.

I was talkin' to Nyssa the other day about microwaves and how the old ones wouldn't shut off, even if you open the door. Then I was thinking about it just now and I really don't think kids are ever taught how they work. Our parents were alive during the invention of the microwave so I'm sure they got the low-down on 'em but I never did. I think it's one of those things that we just take for granted and just push it to the side as we go on about our busy little lives. It was a crazy realization that the little waves flying around inside that contraption above the oven can cause cancer and deformities. Then again, maybe I'm the only one who feels this way about the microwave.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

...And this...

It's all about pictures like this...

Kelly and Nyssa sittin' on the chairlift,

Conditions started out icey but turned to perfect. That's me on the left, and my partner in crime there is Nyssa. It was so hot up there today.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Oh my goodness. I clocked out like 12 hours ago and now I've got to go clock in again. Blog's are so good for complaining to. I don't have to hear it, and neither do you. If you don't want to read on, you don't have to. But do I know the difference? No.

Will's taking Bry and DNA (his little sister) up to the hill today. I was thinking about it and I have to say that he is a complete sweetheart, I dunno if I would do that. I love my little sister and all but I can just imagine the frustrations that could arise.

I guess I shouldn't have been complaining up there ^. I should be happy that I woke up in time to get ready for work. I should be happy I even have a job. Oh yeah, I reunited with my old buddy Curtis and I'm selling him my old snowboard. I'm such a softie for peeps who want to get into snowboarding. That reminds me... Anyway. Have a great day kids!!!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh Nyssa, I didn't do much better: You correctly answered 21 of 40 questions, which is 52%, on this test. Anyway. It feels so good to get through the week and know that I've actually done all my work on time. I'm kinda excited for this semester only because I've got some good classes and good teachers and so far, it hasn't been too overwhelming. Yay everyone!

Geeze! I work just at the worst times this weekend. It sounds like I'll be able to get up to the hill on Sunday, probably the most busy day out of them all but it's only because I work tonight and Saturday morning. If you want your board done by Joshua, bring it in tonight between 6 and 9. What else is going on today? Ummm, I've got math at 11. The teacher goes so fast in there, I haven't exactly tried to follow her exactly, but I think I'll try that today and see if I can keep up.
Other News: Shaving the old beard off today! YAY!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Last picture, this one seems like something straight out of the Lion King.

The colors on this were crazy oh man the camera just doesn't even do it justice.

Still an ocean of fog at the bottom.


This whole span of pictures happened in about 5 minutes. The sky was changing so fast.

These pictures look ok but you really can't get the full experience without being there.

Here are some of the pictures I took from the 4-lane coming down from Shaver on Monday. The sunset was amazing. Click on each picture to blow it up. Each proceeding picture is even more and more beautiful. (And yes that's fog at the bottom, not water.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Yesterday was the first day of this semester. I sit right next to Nyssa in math and she helped me on my homework. I'm having some scheduling problems. Haha. Otherwise, it seems as though everything is going to go fine. This is a random blog. Yay.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The summit was icey yesterday. It was fun but icey. I've gotten so used to all the wonderful powder that I've been completely spoiled and now I don't want to go back to skiing on groomed runs or iced-over back country. Anyway, school starts again today. I have my first class with Nyssapoo so that'll be nice... Very nice. Haha. Welp, time to go finish my laundry. Talk to you cool cats latah!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Oooo. Came home today from work around 7. Geese was I tired. I slept from 7 'till 10 and now I'm up witih so much energy. But no one's available. Everyone's too busy for stinky old Josh. Well I guess I had it coming. Finally, a lonely night. I think I'll just sit around and finish this list of personal chores:
1 - Sniff some glue
2 - Mess with boring website template
3 - Call my friends and make them feel bad for not hanging out with me
4 - Sniff some more glue
5 - Print pictures of friends which will only make me lonelier
6 - Take pictures of my beanie for Nyssa
7 - Search the internet for a good deal on freeze dried peanutbutter
8 - Build a rope bridge from one side of a canyon to the other, then dress up like Indie with a hat and whip, then hire some natives to light one side on fire while I'm running to the other side, then as the bridge gives way use my trusty whip to latch on to some lone tree root sticking out the side of the canyon and trick all the hired native actors into thinking I fell to my death but really I hung from my whip until they were convinced and went home to their plasma screens and tubs of ice cream.
9 - Shuffle my iPod
10 - Put Josh Powell's lonely song on it
11 - Paint my face like some Cirque De Soliel character and have my mom take wicked pictures
12 - Clean out my paper cut that won't heal and bandage it properly
13 - Eat some freeze dried peanutbutter while a sniff my last hit of glue
14 - Feel accomplished
15 - Go to sleep

Working for a long time today, from 10 - 6. Come in and have your board done... Anyway, Nyssa's gone once again. Don't tell her but I miss her a lot. She's riding horses today in a competition at UC Davis. Dangit! I don't want to go to work today. I like the 4 hour shifts way better than the 8s. I think it's my ADD. Well, I better go shake a tower. Later dudes.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Wednesday's are laundry days.

Yes Jaikens! Drink it!!!

Grass burn?

Romantic moments...

Hot boys, YES!!!

Our slip-N-slide wasn't that long.

I was hungry.

Gay pose.

Old fashioned luva-boy.

I dunno what we called this one.

I found an old photo card behind my desk today. These pics are all from freshman year. It's a straight Bearded Hit Squad FLASHBACK!!!

Or maybe this one does. You know that feeling you get when you give up all control and just go with the flow? Yeah... THAT feeling. "WooooooHOOOO!!!!"

Can't sleep, too anxious. I just went out into the middle of the street and spun around in circles until I had to sit down. I think something's wrong... Wait, wait a second, I take that back... I think something's right. I think this picture explains my mood perfectly.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Like the man said, one more time...

Will's still learning how to use water bottles.

The roads were crazy yesterday. We saw the worst accident I've seen this season on the 168. The scenery was so nice though.

Vegas was fun. So was snowboarding today, until I got so wet I had to leave. Today was probably the worst day of snowboarding I've had all season, I left my good jacket and season pass at home so I had to spend $35 on a ticket for only 3 hours of riding. It sucked but whatever. There's always (tomorrow) Wednesday.

Nyssa and I were playing video games tonight and every, time she got a 1UP (extra life) I kept thinking of how cool it would be if you were just walking down the street one day, looked down and there was a 1UP on the ground. That would be awesome. I might sell mine on Ebay.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Monday and Tuesday were the best days of skiing I've ever had. I know other mountains are "better" but right now, Sierra Summit has some of the best snow in California. I'm so beat-up but it was so worth it, and Will got to go as well. It was like his first time in almost 2 months. The snow was pretty heavy on Monday night and it was getting really dark so we just stayed at the cabin then went again the next day. Thanks to my friends that made that trip unforgettable. You guys rock!
Well I get the privilege of going to the CES show today. It's where they unveil all the new product in electronics for the next year. I won't be back 'till Sunday so if you go up to the mountain, give her a kiss from Joshua.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Went to (a) church for the first time in forever today. It was really good for me. I always forget the feeling of that energy you have afterward. Hoping to go snowboarding tomorrow with Nyssa, Will, and Bry. I'm aching to get up there sooooo bad! I love life right now. It hasn't been this good in a while. Everyone should love everyone else out there. I'm proud of the good people in our world. Big smiles y'all!

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